Why is the Digibridge So Accurate?

  • Memory allows sequential measurements of Ex and Es so the same amplifier and detector can be used for both. Thus any gain or phase changes in them with time or frequency are canceled in the division Ex/Es.
  • Its memory allows the averaging of many measurements for high precision especially important in precision substitution measurements.
  • It has no variable components. (Except for variable air capacitors, adjustable components like decades and potentiometers have rather larger stray parameters).
  • It makes a complex division so that the phase references can be at any angle with respect to the signals, Aej(a+b)/Be(jb) = (A/B)e(ja), independent of the common angle b which is the angle to the references  This allows precise, digitally derived, 90 degree references that give good phase accuracy.
  • It has no standard C or L. Most bridges that measure C and L use a standard capacitor. Except for precision air capacitors, capacitors have more drift and higher TCs than the Vishay resistors.
  • The memory allows for calibration by external standards (the Cal Kit). Thus long term drift in the internal standards can be removed by recalibration.
  • Its precision is limited only by noise, its readout resolution is in ppm ("Delta %" mode). and its accuracy is mainly limited by the Vishay spec of 25 ppm/year for both internal and external standards (typically more stable).  If both calibrated more often, this error is greatly reduced.
  • It allows open and short circuit zeroing corrections that remove series resistance and inductance (self and mutual) and shunt capacitance of any test connections and for the Cal Kit calibrations.
  • It measures R, C and L, or any impedance, with equal accuracy. The instruments doesn't "know" the difference until the operator tells it what to display.
  • Makes guarded (3-terminal), Kelvin (4-terminal) or "5- terminal" measurements.
  • The detector uses a sine wave "window" which acts as a sharp filter and eliminates odd and even harmonics.
  • The dual-slope detector uses a low-loss Teflon capacitor for low dielectric absorption.
  • The detector measures voltages at 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees to cancel offset errors.